Monday, September 3, 2007

DNA Mag issue #90 Levi Poulter by David Vance

Take a look at the new issue #90 of DNA. Better yet, take a look at super hot Levi Poulter, shot by David Vance. Levi's 32 years old, loves soccer, lives in Miami - and is wearing the same yellow Ginch Gonch underwear I have on this very minute! Also inside this issue is another photo shoot from Gabriel Goldberg who also shot the Randy Blue spread for this month's Pref Mag. I'll post Gabriel's images soon. Be sure to check out Ohlala Paris for more previews of DNA 90. Then, grab the issue yourself!

Levi Poulter

Levi Poulter

Levi Poulter

Levi Poulter

Levi Poulter

Levi Poulter

Levi Poulter

Levi Poulter

Levi Poulter

Levi Poulter

Levi Poulter

Levi Poulter

source: ethansays dot com